Monday, March 7, 2016

Shooting Range in Worland, Wyoming

Shooting Complex:

Directions to Shooting Range Location:  

From Worland, go to West River Road, turn left onto 15 Mile Road at Washakie County Fairgrounds. Follow road past county shop. Take paved road up hill, driving past gravel pits. In approximately 1 mile, you'll see the Worland Shooting Complex sign.  Follow gravel road to front gate.


Archery, Pistol, Rifle 
For shotguns, they provide trap,skeet, & 5 stand sporting clays. 

Shooting Schedule for 2016: 

2016 Gun Show in Worland, March 12th & 13th, 2016:

They have 240 acres of archery & firearm shooting opportunities. The facility provides for archery, high power centerfire rifle, rim fire rifle, rimfire handgun, centerfire handgun & trap,skeet & 5-Stand areas all of which can be operating simultaneously. You're invited to come & look it over, attend a meeting, join them if you decide & then sight in your new or favorite rifle, have some antique & black powder fun, participate in single action antics, do some clay birds, unquiver some arrows or just do some serious rimfire targets. They're proud of our range & work hard to keep it operational.







The Pistol range also includes a tactical pistol pit.

Become a Member

Consider becoming a member of the Worland Shooting Complex!  Annual memberships are based on calendar year, & are good from January 1 - December 31st of each year, for $35.00.   Lifetime memberships are available too, and are $350.00. You can pick up a membership application at following locations:
THE OUTDOORSMAN   632 BIGHORN AVE       WORLAND WY 82401   (307) 347-2891
944 BIGHORN AVE   WORLAND WY 82401               
(307) 347-3434
True Value 
413 Big Horn Ave
Worland WY 82401
(307) 347-2631
415 Big Horn Ave, 
Worland WY 82401
(307) 347-6158

Range Rules

Following are general Range Rules for Worland Shooting Complex.  Click here to read full Standard Operating Procedures document. 
Range Discipline, General Rules and Guidelines

These are the rules & Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) of the Worland Shooting Complex. They will be followed unless otherwise directed by an authorized Range Officer, or changed by Worland Shooting Complex Board of Directors.

These range safety rules & regulations are designed to make range as safe as possible to operate, as well as to conveniently accommodate as many members as possible, at any given time. The Worland Shooting Complex Board of Directors has authority & approval from its members to regulate all operations on property leased from City of Worland to conduct activities involving firearms.

The Worland Shooting Complex Board of Directors shall authorize, approve, schedule & oversee all such conduct involving range leased from City of Worland, Wyoming. This SOP, with any changes or revisions, as dated above will supersede all previous rules, directives, motions & guidelines. If this SOP is changed or revised by Board of Directors, then this SOP will be marked accordingly showing new date it was changed, revisited, &/or approved.

The Worland Shooting Complex membership is open to all persons having an interest in shooting sports who have paid their dues & desire to continue as members. Membership requires that all persons sign a basic indemnification statement, part of which shall include that person agrees to abide by all by-laws, rules & safety precautions, as well as range Standard Operating Regulations & Procedures. Membership also requires that persons give Worland Shooting Complex accurate, up to date identification & contact information to include following: full name, address, date of birth, phone number, or e-mail.

Persons who don't meet, &/or follow these criteria may be rejected for membership or may lose their membership status should information they provide prove to be incorrect. The Worland Shooting Complex range, located at Worland, Wyoming, is known & classified by  NRA Range Source Book as a passive range. This means there isn't a Range Officer or duty supervisor on site when range is open.

In addition to safety rules & precautions listed in this guide, club will use appropriate rules & guidelines from following shooting organizations & authorities: The National Rifle Association, Civilian Marksmanship Program. Single Action Shooting Society, Amateur Trap Association, National Sporting Clays Association, National Skeet Shooting Association, National 4-H Shooting Sports, National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association’s Rules, International Practical Shooting Confederation, International Defensive Pistol Association, National Congress of Old West Shooters, National Shooting Sports Manual, any other nationally recognized shooting sports authority when such said activities are being conducted on  ranges.

With exception of organized tournaments, or clubs approved activities & events, the use of range is restricted to members holding a range membership. Of course, all members may bring guests to range. The authorized guest must stay with member at all times. Members are responsible for conduct of their guest. Members may bring their pets, & other animals to range (i e Horses). All children & animals must be under supervision at all times & aren't allowed to move around at will.

For all shooting & shooting sports activities involving members, club normally gives highest priority to youth & women’s programs & events. Most all other activity & events will be scheduled on a first come, first served basis. When shooting on range, a junior (under 18) must be supervised by an adult supervisor, or parent, who is a member.

The range is open from sun up to sun down. No shooting will be done at night unless approved by Board of Directors. Should range be closed for events or other reasons, Board will try to notify members with newsletters or other means of information media or mail. The gate to range will remain locked. Members will ensure that they lock gate “both” after entering range, & again after leaving range. 

The only exceptions to this are when Board of Directors have scheduled & approved various shooting activities, tournaments & matches. This is including but isn't limited to following: weekly trap & skeet shoots, 4-H activities, CMP & NRA matches, & basically any event or activity that general public or non-members may take part. In these cases, gate can remain open for duration of event/activity.

Safety glasses & hearing protection are mandatory when on range during shooting, by shooters & spectators. All range members & guests are personally responsible for range safety, & safe shooting. Everyone will wear eye & ear protection when in close proximity of personnel discharging firearms at  Worland Shooting Complex.

Any firearms or other property of WSC is NOT to leave range boundaries without written approval of Board of Directors. The use of contraband, illegal drugs, mind altering prescription medications, & alcohol is prohibited on Worland Shooting Complex. If you're under influence of drugs or alcohol, then you don't belong on range. Members should report any contraband, illegal drugs, or intoxicated behavior to police, & then to Worland Shooting Complex Board of Directors. Members, who violate these rules, can lose range privileges, & may face criminal, &/or civil legal consequences.

No one is permitted to shoot at wildlife. Hunting or shooting live animals is prohibited. Even during hunting season, hunting or shooting of game such as deer, antelope, rabbits, birds, or any wildlife isn't allowed without permission of Board of Directors. The shooting of predators, such as prairie dogs, jack rabbits, coyotes & other such varmints is prohibited unless approved by Board of Directors. Members who violate these rules can lose their range privileges, & may face criminal or other legal consequences.

The following materials are prohibited to be used as targets: including, but not limited to: containers that have hazardous material inside (i e paint cans), or bottles, or any type of glass item, or any type of container that may be under pressure. (i e spray cans). Explosive targets are prohibited unless approved by Board of Directors.

Personnel will not shoot at  number boards (yard markers), target frames or target holders. Only Items & material that are designed & intended to be shot at, shall be used as targets. All targets shall be kept inside boundaries of range & placed in such a manner that all projectiles, be it from rifle, pistol, shotgun, or arrow, shall land & remain inside range as best can be expected.

Example: steel targets shall be placed with top leaning forward, so splatter goes into dirt. All shooters will plan & aim all shots so that projectiles will be kept inside berms or designated shot falling areas. Persons who shoot or handle weapons carelessly, recklessly, or dangerously, or fail to follow these guidelines may lose their range privileges & their membership could be cancelled.

Since Worland Shooting Complex is a passive range & a range officer or a duty supervisor isn't normally on range during hours of operation, the following safety precautions & gun handling procedures shall be observed at all times:
  • A. No one is allowed forward of firing line until all fire arms are unloaded, with actions opened, or hand gun is securely holstered on the person
  • B. Firearms that aren't securely holstered will be unloaded & will not be handled while persons are down range. (Example: setting up targets)
  • C. Handguns may be loaded & carried by personnel but must remain securely holstered while conducting shooting activities, unless that specific discipline requires said handgun to be unloaded, (example: cowboy action shooting, SASS)
  • D. Take out what you bring in. It is shooters/members responsibility to police brass & keep trash off range. If you place a target, then remove that target & place it where it belongs once you’re finished on range.
  • E. Everyone is a range officer & will sound off & notify other personnel when they see an unsafe condition. The first person on range will act as a range officer & coordinate firing line concerning down range access for target review & placement.
  • F. When shooting activities are being conducted by a specific discipline such as weekly skeet or trap shoots, 4-H Shooting Sports, or an NRA/CMP match, or any similar type of shooting activity, the designated range officer will have absolute control of firing line, & is responsible for safe operation of activity/event.
Organizations, or persons, or members, that wish to use range for other than normal, routine, individual shooting activity, shall be issued request form (enclosure 1), containing rules, required shooting plan, & general contact information. Once Board of Directors has  needed information they'll approve (or not) & schedule as required, the requested shooting activity.

Some shooting sports & activities may last longer than one day. Therefore when club is hosting such activities & events, dry camping is allowed on range. The Board of Directors will issue guidelines as required for such activities.

This SOP will not contain requirements or guidelines for cost or fee’s that may be charged for use of range. When organizations, persons, or members wish to use range for special events, tournaments, daily, weekly, or monthly shoots, Board of Directors will approve & schedule activity, & inform personnel responsible for conducting activity/event, of approved dates & cost/fee’s for use of range.

The club shall post signs at all of ranges where they conduct shooting activities to inform its members of basic rules & other general information. These signs shall list basic safety precautions for designated disciplines of that particular range, such as Shotgun, Pistol, & Rifle etc. The following safety information shall be posted in area of front gate.

Think Gun Safety while on Range
1. All guns are always loaded. Handle all firearms accordingly
2. Never let muzzle cover anything you aren't willing to destroy. Consciously keep muzzle pointed in a safe direction at all times.
3. Keep your finger off trigger until your sights are on target.
4. Be sure of your target & what is beyond.
5. A “firearms safety”, is a mechanical device that can fail.


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